
Tea to Compliment Your Resolutions

It’s a new year and there’s always one thing that remains in demand every year- cafes and coffee shops where we can enjoy a different scenery and get our caffeine fix. To help our customers that are planning the year ahead at their own store fronts, we wanted to supply you with some suggestions of teas to offer in your cafe that match the new years resolutions your customers will be holding true to.

Resolution # 1: Exercising More

Teas to compliment : Matcha & Mate

Everyone says this phrase when the new year comes around: “This is going to be the year where I exercise more and eat better.” And each year, customers are looking for an alternative beverage that they can drink before they go for their morning run or are just getting out of a soothing yoga class. When you’re looking for a tea to compliment your customers’ new exercise and healthy eating plan, there are two ways you can go-

Mate- highly caffeinated, this herbal tea has become a recent phenomenon in the energy drink world. We recommend jumping onto the mate trend by steeping a cup western style and enjoying it before a morning or evening work out for an extra pick me up.

Matcha- We all know it, we all love it. It can be used in so many ways, and the caffeine intake is about as high as a cup of coffee without that crash we all know and hate.

If you have customers who are hitting the gym or just walking around town to get their daily steps in, having these two “M” words on your menu can give your guests the opportunity to change it up and not stuck grabbing a plain black coffee with an artificial tasting sweetener.

Check out our Matcha Here

Resolution # 2: Drinking Less Sugary Beverages

Tea to compliment: Green Teas

Most people think this is the easiest of the “new year, new me” vibe. But we all know that the average American has a deep love of indulgence. Between the pumpkin spice lattes and sweetened hibiscus iced tea, the calories start to add up. It’s never easy to find that balance between low sugar and strong flavor. So, how do we get that happy medium in our daily beverage intake? We propose- green tea.

This time of year, every cafe always hears the same sentiment: “I’m trying to cut back on sugar, so I’ll just have a black coffee with Splenda.” It’s a barista’s least favorite drink to make, next to decaf coffee.

People come to cafes and restaurants to indulge. Coffee can easily be filled with sugars, and the same goes for bottled beverages like juices, sodas, etc. Pure green teas are calorie-free and packed with a flavor that can make someone feel like they’re getting both substance and a healthy beverage at the same time. Green tea also has caffeine, so your customer will love that you’re still thinking about how tired they are during their morning commute. This also eliminates the moment they’d have to take to log their beverage into their daily calorie counter. It seems like a no-brainer, so why not make it your beverage of the month for January 2021?

Browse our Green Tea options here

Resolution #3: Managing Stress and Self-care

Tea to compliment: Herbal Teas (Turmeric Ginger, Hibiscus Berry, Chamomile, Lemon zinger)

Coming down from a long day is difficult for all of us. I think it’s safe to say that as business owners in the tea world, we all tend to end our days with an evening cup of a tea that relaxes us. It’s nice to take a moment to sit in your favorite chair and just be with your cup of tea! Typical tea consumers will do the same. To help your tea drinkers kick back and relax, we suggest offering herbal blends.

These teas are an easy sell to the consumer when they see it on display. When thinking about what to offer as a grab-and-go for the customer that wants to drink their tea at home after a long day, consider packaging some kind of herbal blend. These teas are caffeine-free and filled with many beautiful herbs that can give off calming aromas to help you come down from the day’s events. They can also provide a great opportunity for adding accessories onto a customer’s purchase. Loose leaf teas can be fun– they give the consumer a sense of ownership and control over their brew. Offering tea balls, gravity tea infusers, and other innovative ways to brew can encourage the customer to learn more about the blend ingredients while enjoying the beauty of the bright and vibrant colors.

Browse some of our favorite herbals

Resolution #4: Spending More Time with Loved Ones

Teas to compliment: Classics like Earl Grey, Morrocan Mint, or Breakfast Blends

Our last but, definitely not least important resolution is one that we really can never do enough of. There’s nothing better than seeing a loved one over a caffeinated cupped beverage and catching up. I’m convinced that it’s the reason cafes are thriving. You can bet that even with the trying times that we are in- people will always come together for one of their favorite things in the entire world- the classics. For the families and friends getting together, social distancing outside your shop, we suggest having the commodity favorite classic teas year-round.

Earl grey, a breakfast blend, Moroccan mint- whatever you choose to serve that’s a name we all know and love, your customers will be grateful. Hearing “classic” teas sounds old school but these teas are timeless and easy for someone who doesn’t know everything about tea to decide on. Perfect for the grandmother and granddaughter quality meet up or the distant cousins having an afternoon out together that might not have a go-to beverage but doesn’t want to overdo it with the high caffeine levels that coffee can have. When you’re a tea drinker, it can be easy to say, “I’m going to have the highest quality and most obscure tea on the menu.” but, let’s not forget that our customers need educating and tea can be well, complex and intimidating. So, be smart when refreshing your menu this year and make sure to keep those classics in mind.

Browse the rest of our amazing tea selections today!
