Account Request
Please select one or more interests by clicking on the logo that applies to what you are interested in before proceeding to the form.
I am interested in (select at least one)*
Purchasing specialty green cofeee

Purchasing Royal Lineup 22lb Boxes
Purchasing wholesale tea
Taking a class or custom education
Please choose at least one interest
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Shipping Address
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Billing Address
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Password Requirements:
- Minimum 8 characters
- Use of lowercase and uppercase letters and numbers
- At least one special character (_!@#$%^&*)
Need help setting up an account?
Contact a Coffee Trader 888-769-2569 |
Contact a Tea Trader 855-769-8327 |
Contact The Lab 888-769-2569 |
Contact a Coffee Trader 888-769-2569 |
Contact a Tea Trader 855-769-8327 |
Contact The Lab 888-769-2569 |
Why create an account?
- Live Pricing
Get current pricing for coffee and tea 24 hours a day - Order Coffee & Tea Samples
Get samples of our products shipped right to your door with the click of a button. - Build a Favorites List
Keep an eye on the coffees and teas you’re interested in. If the product just arrived or Royal is running low on inventory, you can setup alerts to stay in the loop. Get the edge on your competitors and never run out of inventory. - Access to your complete shipping & invoice history
View your order history, track your order and access invoices on your time - Usage Analysis
Royal offers a proprietary inventory projection tool to help customers better forecast their future needs throughout the various crop cycles. - On-line ordering and shipping capabilities
Running short on time? Just getting around to placing your order but it’s after 4:30 pm? Online purchasing will allow a registered customer to build and ship their own single pallet spot order along with any reserves coffee they have previously contracted. Order both coffee and tea from Royal? Combine your order to save on shipping!
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